Title: "WhatsApp Introduces Long-Awaited Feature: Edit Messages within 15 Minutes"

Meta Description: "WhatsApp, owned by Meta Platforms Inc., announces the rollout of a highly anticipated feature allowing users to edit their sent messages. Learn how to utilize this new functionality and its limitations."

WhatsApp has finally granted its users one of the most highly anticipated features—the ability to edit messages. In a recent blog post, the messaging app, owned by Meta Platforms Inc., shared the exciting news. Users can now rectify their mistakes or make changes to their sent messages directly within WhatsApp.

According to the official announcement, edited messages will be labeled with an "edited" tag, ensuring that the recipient is aware of the correction without revealing the edit history. This much-needed functionality will be made available worldwide in the coming weeks, empowering users to modify their messages within a 15-minute time frame after sending them.

To utilize this feature, users simply need to long-press the message they wish to modify and select the "edit" option from the drop-down menu. This convenient editing capability aims to enhance user experience and facilitate effective communication.

Stay connected with WhatsApp to make the most of this long-awaited feature, improving your messaging accuracy and ensuring effective communication with others.

Remember to always stay up to date with the latest WhatsApp updates and features for an enhanced messaging experience.

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